Join My Free Live Webinar!
"The great thing about civility is that it does not require you to agree with or approve of anything. You don't even have to love your neighbor to be civil. You just have to treat your neighbor the same way you would like your neighbor to treat your grandmother, or your child." -- Barbara Brown Taylor
Join me for a free webinar
It's here!
For the last several years, I've been presenting my live keynote on how to talk about politics in today's fraught social environment. Much has shifted in our society over those years, especially since COVID, but the principles of respect, empathy, dignity, and preserving our civilization remain.
I have loved delivering this program over the years and the responses I've received have made me want to continue doing it for years to come. So join me! We'll talk Thanksgiving dinner, summer camp, Republicans, Democrats, Lord of the Flies, and why changing someone's mind should never be your first goal in a conversation.
The registration link is below. I'll answer questions in the last few minutes of the webinar, so if you have any, feel free to email me at, or submit them via the Q&A feature on the Zoom webinar.
Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Across the globe, words have become so charged that debates and discussion quickly veer into anger and accusations. We see it again and again, in our workplaces, our homes, our schools, our lives. And yet, we cannot move forward on inclusion and belonging unless we can successfully share our own perspectives while recognizing the perspectives of others. But having those conversations without the right preparation can lead to anger, frustration, and the belief that tackling difference is not worth all the conflict it brings. That’s where A More Perfect Union enters.
In A More Perfect Union, we start with the possibility, or why these differences matter in our world. Then we move into the reality, using charged phrases and fragmented identites to understand how we became polarized in our silos. Next, we address the solution – civility – the fundamental basis of our shared civilization. Finally, we end with the ten steps we can all take starting now to rebuild a civilization centered on dignity, empathy, respect, and a more perfect union for us all.
Do the work
This week, I commit to engaging in meaningful conversations, listening with empathy and to understand, and respecting differences in opinion.