It’s Pride Month, Let’s Celebrate!

"Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within." – James Baldwin

Happy Pride Month!

Happy Pride Month! Every year, June is our opportunity to celebrate, honor, commerate, and stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. We take a moment to reflect on the past. We pay tribute. We spend time in community with each other. We dance! We remember that each one of us, regardless of our sexual orientation or identity, is worthy of belonging. So where do we start the celebration? There are so many impactful (and fun) ways to celebrate Pride.

Here are my top three ways to get involved this month:

1. Get Out There: Be a part of your community. Support your local Pride events. Attend fundraisers, parades, marches, and festivals. Donate your time or money. Write your local legislators. Get involved. And read books! Here's one of my favorite books from two of my favorite bloggers - Legendary Children: The First Decade of RuPaul's Drag Race and the Last Century of Queer Life by Lorenzo Marquez and Tom Fitzgerald.

2. Gain Local Knowledge: Do you know the history of Pride Month where you live? What are some of the struggles and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community in your town or city? What are the some of the issues currently being faced right in your backyard? We need to all be better educated because knowledge is key to change.

3. Be an Ally: Stand in solidarity, whether you're a part of the LGBTQ+ community or an ally. Use your voice and privilege to always speak up.

While going to events and celebrations is always a great time, keep in mind that this month is about the fight for equality, justice, and the right to be who you are. Let's embrace this spirit of diversity and inclusion during Pride Month and beyond. Because when we do, we create spaces where we can all be free to live authentically and thrive. Because love is love, is love, is love. Happy Pride!

Check out my video for three more ways to show up for Pride.


Do the work

This week, I commit to embracing and celebrating Pride with an open heart, understanding the history, struggles, and victories of the LGBTQ+ community, and advocating for allyship, equality, and inclusion.


Spread the word

Workplace Pride is a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to improving the lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer (LGBTIQ+) people in workplaces worldwide.


If you want to keep going

Ten Actions for Allyship in the Workplace

What does it mean to be a good ally at work? How can I be an upstander? How can I find a community of support? And how can I ensure people belong here – and thrive? Join me for an interactive discussion on belonging and allyship at work and how we can each use our roles in our organizations to build inclusive workplaces that last. With a mix of stories, scenarios, and practical rules of the road, let me show you how to find the courage to be workplace allies who move from good intentions to real action.


What my clients say

“Back in 2021, I opened up one of my favorite blogs (Ask A Manager) and read a fascinating article that was guest-written by Michelle. It was not just about the “what” but the HOW of allyship. Michelle’s unique perspective was immediately interesting to me, as so many of us who want to be allies struggle with applying allyship concepts to nuanced, real-life situations. In 2023 I finally had the opportunity to work with Michelle on an allyship training for my team. Her approach and style was warm, inviting, and direct — for my group, this was perfect and extremely refreshing! I look forward to working with Michelle again in the future."

– Apple


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